
The InnoEdu project includes 4 case studies, which analyze InnoEdu's aims and foci through different theoretical and empirical viewpoint, data and methods. The research data includes video data of authentic classroom, interviews and steering documents. The methodological approaches combine an ethnographic perspective with content and discourse analysis. These practices enable the research team to develop a holistic, methodological approach that entails a range of methods of data collection and analysis. This methodological approach allows the team to account for diverse contexts with in this project's educational settings.

Interfaces between formal education and informal learning -case study: The study focuses on the tools, materials and communication of virtual TSL-environments utilized in a pedagogical context. The study will construct an ethnographic view of TSL-process in terms of teaching methods and practices that support and utilize students' informal learning in formal educational settings.

Curriculum framework combining educational aims and subject matter –study: The study provides a definition of the essential aspects of content and pedagogy in the curriculum and a model for curriculum design that supports the integration between educational aims and subject matter.

Find, Focus and Filter Approach to Video Observation: The aim of the study is to streamline the use of multicamera recordings by developing suitable software tools and analyzing the best practices so far. The study will provide a complete technological solution for recording, post-processing and analysing multicamera recordings.

Global Campus Pilot (Globus): InnoSchool´s international research focuses on the local-global dimension of learning. InnoEdu studies students´ knowledge creation processes in physical and virtual environments. The study will provide extensive comparative data for analyzing both formally and informally acquired skills and tools used in knowledge creation in two different cultures. Globus pilot is conducted in collaboration with the University of California , Santa Barbara (UCSB) and University of Stanford.