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InnoSchool Result seminar was
organized in 18th of January 2011. Download
the material from the seminar.
The goal of InnoSchool was to develop the Future School Concept: a
set of research-based good practices, processes, models and designs, and
recommendations for their successful combinations in the Future School.
InnoSchool consists of four co-projects:
These co-projects conducted research and developmental work on the
schools from their different scientific perspectives: architecture and urban
planning; playful learning environments; education and the
teaching–studying–learning process; and process and innovation management. The
synergy between the four co-projects was achieved through theoretical dialogue
that applied a joint Concept Design framework, and through collaborative
empirical case studies on selected pilot schools.
InnoSchool collaborated with Stanford University / SCIL and University of California, Santa
Barbara. It was funded by the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and
Innovation Tekes, the Cities
of Espoo, Helsinki, and Rovaniemi, and partner
companies. InnoSchool was coordinated by SimLab in Aalto University.
InnoSchool researched and developed schools, with the final goal
to develop the Innovative School Concept. The project was divided into two
subsequent parts: 01.1.2007 - 31.8.2008, and 1.9.2008 - 31.12.2010. The first
part provided the basic theoretical and empirical foundations. The second, more
applied part continued to develop the Future School Concept towards the global
final result of InnoSchool was the Future School Concept. It is the
research-based set of recommendable models, practices, processes and structures,
concerning the architecture, playful environments, education, and services, and
the guiding principles how to combine them into successful configurations that
best support learning in the Future School.